Thursday 26 February 2009

Answer Sheet. Feb. 24th homework

2. Big black clouds announced an approaching rainstorm.

3. Colourful rectangular flags hung from every window.

4. Children played on the thick green grass.
5. I dream about relaxing on a beautiful white sand beach.
6. They got married in a small Italian stone church.
7. The parents left their two young children with the grandparents while they worked.

8. Mr. Thompson's advanced English class has thirty students.

9. The real estate agent pointed out several minor problems with the house.
10. Four large bedroom windows were broken.


Practice 7

1. The people want a smart, experienced, honest, leader.
2. Most students like friendly, enthusiastic, imaginative teachers.
3. I am tired of the cold, rainy weather.
4. I am looking forward to the warm, sunny, relaxing days of summer.
5. The prince in a fairy tale is either tall, dark and handsome or tall, blond and handsome.
6. A fairy-tale prince is never short, bald and ugly.

Practice 8

2. Four shiny black limousines were parked outside the hotel.
3. The small red apple looked sweet, crisp, juicy, and delicious.
4. Hundreds of happy cheering football fans ran onto the field.
5. The pretty new French teacher is from Quebec.
6. My father bought a beautiful, antique Persian rug as a twentieth anniversary gift for my mother.

Feb. 26th Homework

Homework for the weekend.

1) P. 128, exercise C. Organize the scrambled sentences into complete paragraphs and write the paragraphs on your blog.

2) Write an original paragraph. Follow the same organization as the sample paragraph about Costa Rica on page 124. Give reasons why a specific country/city/place is great for spending a vacation. Use appropriate transition signals for supporting sentences. Use appropriate transition signals for introducing several examples for each supporting sentence. Make your paragraph as interesting and fun as possible so that many people will want to read it.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Feb. 24th homework

Read pages 104-111. Complete exercises Practise 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Add the answers to your blogs.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Reading Week Homework

Please complete the following exercises on your blog.

1) On page 104, do the "Try It Out" exercise. Follow steps 1-4 and complete your outline on the blog.

2) On page 111, do the "Try It Out" exercise. Complete steps 2, 3 and 4 and write your finished paragraph on your blog.