Thursday 25 June 2009

Web 2.0 Group Assignment

Well, we are almost finished our group assignment. We used Flickr to develop an online lesson.

Evaluation of my contribution.

Both Amrit and I got a bit of a later start than Kim and Leona, so naturally my role was more of a helper than a leader. I find teams work well when participants accept roles. Tha analogy would be a sports team. Sometimes the best teams are those with many role players as opposed to superstars. If there are too many superstars, no one is willing to do the "dirty work".

In the case of our team, Kim and Leona took the lead and I was satisfied playing a support role, asking what I could do to assist and then following up with those tasks. For example, my role was to try out other people's instructions, assignment steps, and provide feedback for improvement. I was glad to do this.

Next time, If I had gotten actively engaged a bit earlier, I'm sure my contribution could have been more 'meaty' and concrete -- I like producing my own things rather than just giving feedback on others, so i will try to be more of a leader than a follower next time round.

I learned how to use Flickr for setting up group projects, and i will probably try using this in my teaching for a photo-speech assignment for speaking classes next semester.


1 comment:

  1. Glad that you got involved in the project Jason and that you see how you can apply the tool to your teaching. As always it's the process rather than the content that is important.
